On Contradiction: the Warp and Weft of ExistenceIntroduction ∘ Why “Ontological”? ∘ Paradoxes as Windows into Reality ∘ Philosophical Precedents and Objections ∘ Structural Outline 2…Mar 12Mar 12
The Double Helix of Change: Dialectical Tensions in Evolutionary TheoryChance, Necessity, and the Dialectics of EmergenceFeb 4Feb 4
Solidarity in the Void: Rethinking Community Through Doubt and NegationIn an era marked by deep ideological polarization, the concept of solidarity feels increasingly fragile. Traditional sources of collective…Nov 15, 20241Nov 15, 20241
Inside Job: Spirit as a ‘Retcon’ of ExperienceSpirit as a ‘retcon’ of experienceOct 22, 2024Oct 22, 2024
The Gravity of the Situation: Erik Verlinde’s Emergent Gravity and Its Implications for Dark Matter…IntroductionAug 22, 2024Aug 22, 2024
Frontiers in Quantum Computing: The Complex Landscape of Error CorrectionThis article provides a comprehensive overview of the advancements in Quantum Error Correction (QEC), the role of neural networks, the…Aug 6, 2024Aug 6, 2024
Ketamine: A Field Guide For PsychonautsAn informative article on the mental and physical health aspects of recreational Ketamine use.Dec 11, 2023Dec 11, 2023
Bait and Switch: When Making Predictions Misses The MarkIn response to Skyring’s, The Voice Referendum: My PredictionOct 9, 2023Oct 9, 2023
Joining The Dots: The Voice to Parliament is about birth not powerWe have a crucial choice in this Great Southern Land, about what kind of nation it has the potential to be, while the world is hanging in…Oct 3, 20231Oct 3, 20231